Wednesday, January 28, 2009

No more Fluff

No more fluff!

All last week, I could not stop thinking about how I want my heart to be on fire for God again, and how much I want to fall in love with him all over again!
I'm sure some of you know what I mean.

Now it's just a matter of making it happen, and making a change in my life. I've been lazy. SO LAZY! Going through all these things, thinking I can do it on my own kind of deal. It's not that I drifted from God on purpose, I guess things were going so great in my life then, that I stopped thanking God for helping me out


Verb: "It's what you do"
Even though right now I am completely wound up about starting all these things like my relationship with God and taking care of myself, I know it's still going to be WAY hard. My friend Clare and I have been talking a ton about this lately, and we just really want to be healthy. I've already been doing bad. I can't seem to Start! So. today I finally did take the first step, and I'm going to say right now that I WILL workout tomorrow

I'm going to be holding myself accountable on here, since I'm online all the time.

1. No new video post until I exercise 5 days in a row

2. Posting a Blog at least every other day (not about to set myself up for too much failure)

3. Prove to people and MYSELF that I can make things
happen for my own life if I really want them to

If you read this, your awesome
prayers comments, messages on youtube, anything would be helping me in ways you couldn't begin to imagine! <3>


  1. it's great that you are pushing yourself and setting goals with yourself! remember that starting with easy tasks accomplished easily can motivate you to tackle bigger ones with more eagerness! :D

    God Bless,

    P.S. your commenting does work :)

  2. I'm not religous in any shape or form; I'm actually agnostic, but it's great that you're pushing yourself like this and believing in yourself, and staying decicated.

  3. Thanks =)
    yes I'm trying to take baby steps, and just be patient, its so hard. but thinking about it, it makes sense. I just want to be able to finish what i start i guess

    It's hard to believe in myself, but I have to believe in myself for me to finally get things done =/
